Support and Programs
Afterschool & Summer Feeding Meal Programs
The Fertile Ground Foundation Afterschool Meal Program is committed to providing students with the best possible nutrients under healthy and safe conditions. We aim to nurture the development of children by providing nutritious meals and to motivate healthy food choices. This Program exists to serve our children.
Children need healthy meals to learn, participate in sports and most importantly to grow into healthy adults. Fertile Ground Foundation provides Afterschool Meal Programs to any school, church, library, community center or location where children are enrolled in programs that provide educational or enrichment activities in an organized structured and supervised environment. Although there are no specific requirements for the types of educational and enrichment activities that a program can offer, examples include, but are not limited to, arts and crafts, homework assistance, life skills, remedial education, organized fitness activities, etc. These programs are also available during the summer months and fit well with sports camps, mentoring programs, enrichments activities, etc.
how we help
Afterschool & Summer Feeding Meal Programs
Feeding Programs must:
Feeding Meals:
We help companies develop powerful corporate social responsibility, grantmaking, and employee engagement strategies. Our impact is about more than moving money to where it’s needed most; it’s also about helping nonprofits access information and ideas that will help them listen, learn, and grow. Some of us came from academia, others cut their teeth in corporate America, and many have spent our entire careers .
We help companies develop powerful corporate social responsibility, grantmaking, and employee engagement strategies. Our impact is about more than moving money to where it’s needed most; it’s also about helping nonprofits access information and ideas that will help them listen, learn, and grow. Some of us came from academia, others cut their teeth in corporate America, and many have spent our entire careers .
To learn more about
Our programs or how we may serve children in need within your community
- 205-530-3583
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis or race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call 866-632-9992.